The present version is a translation given for information purposes only. only the original french or dutch versions are binding.

General terms and conditions of use

Welcome to the website (henceforth the ‘website’). by connecting to or browsing through the website, you agree you have read, understood and accepted, without limitations or reservation, the general terms and conditions of use policy (henceforth the ‘terms and conditions of use’), personal data protection policy charter and cookies management policy. Please note that other terms and conditions and personal data protection policies apply to other TotalEnergies company websites, and Circle K Belgium. Recommend you read them carefully.

The policy aims to inform you about Circle K Belgium's terms and conditions of use of this website.

1 Identity

1.1 Publishing company

Circle K Belgium, referred to herein as the ‘company’:

  • head office: Boulevard Anspach 1, boîte 2 - 1000 Brussels
  • company type: corporation company under belgian law.
  • registered capital: 186.109.812 eur.
  • trade and companies register: 0803261750.
  • vat nr: BE0803261750.
  • e-mail :
  • phone number: +32 2 288 99 36.

1.2 Technical design and development of the internet website:

  • Image plus sprl
  • head office: Avenue des Volontaires 19 Vrijwilligerslaan, 1160 Bruxelles – Brussels.
  • company type: sprl under belgian law.
  • vat nr: be0879380125

1.3 Hosting

  • AWS emea sarl
  • head office: kunstlaan 27 avenue des arts, 10040 bruxelles – brussels.
  • vat nr: be0684612340

1.4 Photo credits

  • Image plus
  • Shutterstock
  • Circle K Belgium
  • TotalEnergies

2 Information about activities

This website presents information concerning certain activities of the company. This information is provided as general information without any guarantees that it is fit for any specific purpose. the company may modify the information contained in this website at any time and without prior notice.

3 Reserved access

Access to the present website is reserved exclusively for natural persons and legal persons who are eligible for the exemption from the excise duty and from the vat, as organised by:

  • article 20, 7° to 10° of the general customs and excise duty act of 18 july 1977;
  • articles 33 to 35 of the ministerial decree of 17 february 1960 governing exemptions of import duties;
  • article 42, § 3, first indent, 1° or 2° or 3° or 4° or 5°, of the value added tax code of 3 july 1969.

Unless otherwise mentioned, Circle K Belgium grants the user a non-exclusive right, which cannot be assigned and which is limited in access, for the use, the visualisation of this website and the documents contained therein for a personal, non-commercial use that is to be in accordance with the stipulations of these general terms and conditions of use.

downloading the contents onto your computer does not imply any right of property on these contents. It is strictly forbidden for you to modify the contents or to use it to other effects, more in particular, in printed form, or to use it on any other website or on any other information network, without having obtained prior written authorization from Circle K Belgium. By using this website, you accept not to use any web robot, browser or any other automatic device or manual procedure intended to monitor or copy webpages from our website or any contents thereof, without having obtained prior written authorization from Circle K Belgium. You undertake not to use any device, software nor subprogram intended to disturb or try to disturb the proper functioning of the website. In addition, you undertake not to perform any manipulation imposing an unreasonable or disproportionate load on the infrastructure of the website.

In case of any fraudulent use of the present site by a user, Circle K Belgium will be entitled to deprive the latter of his right of access to the site. furthermore, any fraudulent use may be prosecuted by Circle K Belgium.

4 Intellectual property

Company property

All information or documents (text, animated or static images, databases, sounds, photographs, know-how or cited products) stored in the website as well as all elements created for the website and its general structure are either the property of the company or the companies within the Circle K company or are subject to rights to use, duplicate or communicate to the public that have been granted to such. this information, documents and items are subject to laws protecting copyright insofar as they have been made available to the public via this website. No licence or any right other than to view the website has been granted to any party with regard to intellectual property rights. Duplication of website documents is authorized solely as information for personal and private usage. Any duplication or usage of copies made for other purposes is formally prohibited and subject to prior and formal authorization by the company. In all cases, authorized duplication of information stored in this website must cite the source and make adequate references as to proprietary.

Distinguishing marks

Unless otherwise stipulated, company names, logotypes, products and brands quoted on the website are the property of the company or the companies within the Circle K company or are the subject of rights of use, reproduction or representation that have been granted for their benefit. You may not use them without prior written authorization from said company.


The company is the controller of databases on the website and the company is the owner of any databases made available. You may not extract or reuse a substantial qualitative or quantitative portion of the databases, including for private purpose.

5 Your undertakings

5.1 Right to use information

Each visitor of the website providing information grants the company all transferable rights concerning said information and authorizes the company to make use of it. information thus provided by users will be considered non-confidential. However, when the provided information is personal data, as defined by applicable law, the company undertakes to process said information in accordance with its personal data protection policy and the cookies management policy Which applies to this website.

5.2 Compliance with law

Each visitor of this website certifies also that he or she complies with the general terms and conditions of use and current laws, and in particular:

  • has the ability and means required to access the website and use it;
  • has verified that the it/computer configuration used contains no virus and is in perfect working order;
  • grants the company and partners where applicable a right to use the information provided (other than data of a personal nature);
  • must keep confidential and is consequently liable for the use and security of access codes and passwords that the company may send him or to access specific sections. the company reserves the right to suspend him or her access to the website in the event of fraudulent use or attempts at fraudulent use of said access.

6 Hypertext links

6.1 Activation of links

The company formally declines any liability as to the content of websites to which it provides links. said links are offered to users of this website as a service. please consult the general terms and conditions of use, the personal data protection policy and the cookies management policy For the websites in order to understand their practice. The decision to use links is made solely by the website users. we may modify or delete a link on this website at any moment.

6.2 Link authorization

If you wish to create a hypertext link to this website, you must obtain prior written authorization from the company using the contact details provided at the end of this document.

7 Formal notice

7.1 Information

The information (henceforth the ‘information’) available on this www (world wide web) server is provided in good faith. this information is considered correct when it is published on the website. However, the company neither represents nor guarantees that the information is comprehensive or accurate. you bear all the risks arising from your reliance on the information. The information is provided on the condition that you or any other person receiving it can determine its interest for a specific purpose before use. Under no circumstances will the company accept liability for injury arising from reliance on said information, its use or use of a product to which it refers. the information shall not be deemed a recommendation to use information, products, procedures, equipment or formulae contravening a patent, copyright or registered trade mark.

The company declines any explicit or implicit liability in the event that use of the information contravenes a patent, copyright or registered trade mark. the company and all directly or indirectly owned subsidiaries or affiliates and any company within the TotalEnergies or Circle K company categorically rejects any interpretation which may assimilate the content of its websites to purchase offers or incitements to acquire shares or other listed or unlisted negotiable securities. No explicit or implicit guarantee is given regarding the commercial nature of the information provided or its suitability for a given purpose as well as the products to which said information refers to. Under no circumstances does the company undertake to update or correct the information disseminated on the internet or on its web servers. Similarly, the company reserves the right to amend or correct the content of its website at any time without prior notification.

7.2 Forward-looking statements

The documents included in this website may contain forward-looking information on the group (including objectives and trends), as well as forward-looking statements within the meaning of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995, notably with respect to the financial condition, results of operations, business, strategy and plans of Circle K. These data do not represent forecasts within the meaning of european regulation no. 809/2004.

Such forward-looking information and statements included in these documents are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. they may prove to be inaccurate in the future, and are subject to a number of risk factors that could lead to a significant difference between actual results and those anticipated, including currency fluctuations, the price of petroleum products, the ability to realize cost reductions and operating efficiencies without unduly disrupting business operations, environmental regulatory considerations and general economic and business conditions. Certain financial information is based on estimates particularly in the assessment of the recoverable value of assets and potential impairments of assets relating thereto.

Neither Circle K nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in these documents whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Further information on factors, risks and uncertainties that could affect the company’s financial results or the group’s activities is provided in the most recent registration document, the french language version of which is filed by the company with the banque nationale de belgique or any other equivalent foreign institution and annual report on form 20-f filed with the united states securities and exchange commission (‘sec’), if these companies are quoted on the stock exchange.

7.3 Availability

The company does not guarantee that the website will operate without interruption or that the servers ensuring access to it operate and/or the third party sites to which hypertext links refer do not contain viruses.

8 Updates of terms and conditions of use of the website and applicable law

The company may update these general terms and conditions of use of the website at any time. consequently, you are invited to regularly refer to the latest conditions of use in effect. these general terms and conditions of use of the website are subject to applicable laws.

9 Contact details

You may direct all questions concerning general terms and conditions of use of the website by e-mail via the contact form or by post to the following address:

Circle K Belgium: